Reactive Dyes Reactive Yellow 86Rs 500 / KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 86Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: CartonColor: YELLOWForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 86Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: CartonColor: YELLOWForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLPlace of origin: IndiaCountry of Origin: Made in India Delivery Time: 2-3 weeks from the date of confirmation of orderPackaging Details: 25 Kg Carton BoxWe have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153722262Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Red ME6BRs 500 / KgCI Name: REACTIVE RED 250Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: CartonColor: REDForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgCI Name: REACTIVE RED 250Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: CartonColor: REDForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozol dyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCountry of Origin: Made in India Delivery Time: 2-3 weeks from the date of confirmation of orderPackaging Details: 25 Kg Carton BoxWe have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153689112Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Black RRs 500 / KgColor: BLACKCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK RPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLACKCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK RPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeWe have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152713462Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Black GRs 500 / KgBrand: ALLOZOLColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25 kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK G Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgBrand: ALLOZOLColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25 kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK G We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152706191Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow RGBRs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153638755Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow FGRs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 42Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 42Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 42 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152594988Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Black RGBRs 500 / KgColor: BLACKCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLACKCI Name: REACTIVE BLACK RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153658255Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Orange 122Rs 500 / KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 122Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 122Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153677455Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow 42Rs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWPackaging Size: 25kgForm: PowderPackaging Type: HDPEBrand: ALLOZOLCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 42 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWPackaging Size: 25kgForm: PowderPackaging Type: HDPEBrand: ALLOZOLUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 42 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152607355Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE ORANGE 107Rs 500 / KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 107Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 107Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152620048Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Orange 16Rs 500 / KgColor: OrangeCI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 16Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: Powder Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: OrangeCI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 16Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypes We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes,...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more14114367955Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE RED 198Rs 500 / KgColor: REDCI Name: REACTIVE RED 198Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: REDCI Name: REACTIVE RED 198Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152631248Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE RED 223Rs 500 / KgColor: REDCI Name: REACTIVE RED 223Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: REDCI Name: REACTIVE RED 223Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152640797Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE YELLOW 77Rs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 77Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 77Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152624873Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE YELLOW 15Rs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 15Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 15Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 15 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152616248Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE YELLOW 37Rs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 37Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 37Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 37 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152611273Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE YELLOW 84Rs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 84Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 84Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153699930Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Orange 84Rs 500 / KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 84Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 84Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153705762Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Black 5Rs 500 / KgColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEType: Reactive DyesForm: PowderBrand: ALLZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEType: Reactive DyesForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLZOLCi Name: REACTIVE BLACK 5 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes,...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152688755Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Orange M2RRs 500 / KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 4Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 4Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153749497Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Orange M4RRs 500 / KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 14Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: ORANGECI Name: REACTIVE ORANGE 14Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153737333Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE YELLOW 21Rs 500 / KgPackaging Size: 25kgForm: PowderPackaging Type: HDPEColor: BLUEBrand: ALLOZOLCI Name: REACTIVE BLUE 21 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgPackaging Size: 25kgForm: PowderPackaging Type: HDPEColor: BLUEBrand: ALLOZOLUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesCI Name: REACTIVE BLUE 21 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152655148Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE BLUE 222Rs 500 / KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE BLUE 222 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE BLUE 222C.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE 222 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152677630Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Blue 221 DyesRs 500 / KgColor: BluePackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE 221 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BluePackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE 221 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more14114417030Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Blue RGBRs 500 / KgColor: BLUECI Name: REACTIVE BLUE RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLUECI Name: REACTIVE BLUE RGBPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153654112Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Blue 220 DyesRs 500 / KgColor: BluePackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE 220 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BluePackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE 220 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more14114412730Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Blue 250Rs 500 / KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE 250 Color: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCommercial Name: REACTIVE 250Ci Name: REACTIVE BLUE 250 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152682348Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Blue HerRs 500 / KgColor: BLUECI Name: REACTIVE BLUE 171Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLUECI Name: REACTIVE BLUE 171Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153718112Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE BLUE 38Rs 500 / KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLCi Name: REACTIVE BLUE 38 Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCi Name: REACTIVE BLUE 38 We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152659088Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE BLUE RRs 500 / KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE R Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLUEPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLC.I. No.: REACTIVE BLUE R We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’...We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152662630Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow M4GRs 500 / KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 22Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: YELLOWCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 22Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153733033Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow M4RRs 500 / KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 44Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEColor: YELLOWForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 44Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEColor: YELLOWForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL Delivery Time: 2-3 weeks from the date of confirmation of orderPackaging Details: In 25 Kg Carton BoxWe have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153744388Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow 160Rs 500 / KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 160Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEColor: YELLOWForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOL Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgCI Name: REACTIVE YELLOW 160Packaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEColor: YELLOWForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOL We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22153663412Get Best PriceCall Now REACTIVE BLACK GRRs 500 / KgColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderBrand: ALLOZOLCi Name: REACTIVE BLACK GR Minimum Order Quantity: 500 KgColor: BLACKPackaging Size: 25kgPackaging Type: HDPEForm: PowderUsage/Application: Allozoldyes containing vinylsulphonategroup as a reactive radical. These dyes are bifunctionaltypesBrand: ALLOZOLCi Name: REACTIVE BLACK GR We have a wide range of Reactive Dyes like Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes, Reactive ‘SD’ Dyes, Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes, Reactive ‘Vinyl Sulphone’ Dyes for Dyeing and Reactive ‘P’ Dyes for Printing in the Textile Industry, Reactive ‘ME’ Dyes are low temperature high exhaust Reactive Dyes are suitable for dyeing, Reactive ‘HE’ dyes are reactive dyes suitable for dying cotton and other cellulosic materials, Reactive ‘VS’ dyes are bifunctional types reactive featuring more than two different reactive groups within one moleculeknow more22152698348Get Best PriceCall Now Reactive Yellow M8GAsk PriceCI Name: Reactive Yellow 86 CI Name: Reactive Yellow 86 know more2853618749333Get Best PriceCall Now
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